During the four bloody years
of the American Civil War, many of the most important campaigns occurred in
the West, the "heartland" of both sides. Here the formidable Union
command team of Grant, Sherman, and Thomas learned their trade, ultimately
dooming the Confederacy. It was here too, that the rebel Army of Tennessee
poured out its blood; Zollicoffer lying dead in the rain at Mill Springs....Johnston
bleeding to death in a Shiloh peach orchard....the fruitless victory at Chickamauga.
Each defeat lead to bitter infighting and rapid command changes. No wonder
this "Army of the Heartland" was so unsuccessful in the end.
The Army of the Heartland,
is a strategic-operational simulation of the rebel Army of Tennessee's campaigns
during of the Civil War. Created by award-winning designer John Prados, and
using the same scale and game system as his earlier Campaigns of Robert E.
Lee, this game focuses on the critical, but largely ignored actions in Kentucky,
Tennessee and northern Georgia between 1861 and 1863.
- 560
die-cut counters
- Two stunning maps depicting the "heartland"
- Two army display sheets
- A 32 page rulesbook with 8 pages of
charts and tables and 9 scenarios covering the major engagements.
- A campaign
game scenario covering the whole crucial year of 1863 is also included to
allow players to explore the options available to both sides.
Price: $60.00 Boxless copies only!
Domestic Orders (USA, but not PA)
$68.75 (incl. 10% S&H) |
Domestic Orders (PA only, incl. 6% sales tax)
$69.35 (incl. 10% S&H) |
Canadian Orders
$76.15 (incl. 20% S&H) |
Rest of the World
$84.15 (incl. 30% S&H) |