ADC Modules
Modules on CD - $15 Each:
additional module ordered at the same time $10

Postage Paid on Domestic Orders, Overseas Add 20% (all ship airmail), Canada Add 10%; PA. Residents Add 6% sales tax

In order to be utilized, you must own Aide de Camp 2
Aid de Camp 2 Price: $49

Army of the Heartland
Achtung Spitfire
Close Action
La Bataille de Corunna-Espagnol
Harpoon 4
Home Before the Leaves Fall
L'Armee du Nord
La Bataille D'Albuera
La Bataille d'Espagnol-Talavera
La Bataille de Mont St. Jean
La Bataille de les Quatre Bras
1807: The Eagles Turn East
La Bataille D'Orthez
La Bataille D'Austerlitz
La Bataille de Deutsch-Wagram
The Rising Sun
Brute Force

Dawn of the Rising Sun
Struggle for Europe:
(The Combined Module encompassing War Without Mercy, Brute Force, and SFE The Med)

Napoleon at Liepzig
Operation Spark
Six Days of Glory

Summer Storm
The Emperor Returns
War for the Union
War Without Mercy
The Campaigns of Robert E. Lee
The Last Victory
La Bataille D' Auerstaedt
La Bataille de Preussisch-Eylau
1777 The Year of the Hangman

Triumph of Chaos
Brandywine and Germantown

Clash of Arms Games
1804 Hoffmansville Rd.
Sassamansville, PA. 19472
(610) 754-0100